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Our Aircraft Decals have many options available.  Text is available (at no charge) above and below the aircraft, this text can be Squardron markings or call sign, below the aircraft can be printed anything from Aviator to Aviation Machinist Mate.  You can aso have your aircraft printed on a (U.S.A. style) license plate.


If you want particular squadron markings, send us a picture and we will do what we can.


Changing an option will not effect the currently displayed Picture.  However, the current price will change with certain option selections.


License Plate:  These are .025 aluminum plates (nice heavy plate).  Select "License Plate" for the decal width.


If you are unable to find the option you would like, please request it in "Customer Notes"


  • This decal is cut in the shape of the aircraft itself. The upper and lower text lines float free and are held in place by plastic transfer film for installation.  After installation the plastic transfer film is pulled away and discarded. Our decals are designed for outside use and ideal for any smooth hard surface. They are printed on very durable 6 mil vinyl using eco-solvent ink. The decal has a life span of 3 to 6 years depending on environment.

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